Smudging is yet another effective strategy of space clearing. It might sound complicated but it’s quite easy. You don’t have to carry out the entire space clearing ritual.

How I Use Feng Shui to Cleanse Negative Energies

Alex Collaborator ·

The goal of feng shui as practiced today is to situate the human-built environment on spots with good qi, an imagined form of "energy". The "perfect spot" is a location and an axis in time.

Feng shui offers many incredible ways of cleansing negative energy. Such energy is created by specific home details and human emotions. If you want to create a sacred space where you can live peacefully and comfortably, you need to learn various feng shui ways. Let’s explore some of these amazing ways.

Space Clearing

Basically, it means clearing negative energy where it might have accumulated. Negative energy might have accumulated from your undesirable life experiences or those of the previous owner. A good way of approaching this is by clearing the entryway environment.


Smudging is yet another effective strategy of space clearing. It might sound complicated but it’s quite easy. You don’t have to carry out the entire space clearing ritual. Smudging originally came from Native American shamanic and healing traditions of manipulating energy.

Salt water cure

Feng shui salt water cure is yet another popular classical method used to create a peaceful environment by neutralizing potentially negative energies. This method is appropriate for use in offices or at home. It is quite cheap yet effective.

Medicine Buddha

Those who are not familiar with it may think that it is a feng shui home décor. As the name suggests, it is a healing method. This Feng shui method has a long history. According to the traditional painting of Tibetan thangkas, the medicine Buddha must be surrounded by different medicines and herbs. Healing energies then radiate from the body of the Buddha to the body.

It is important for you to understand the areas of wellness and health at home. This way, you will know what lacks and how you can improve on it. Take your time and create a spiritual inventory. Make a list of your worries, troubles, fears, and concerns. With these feng shui methods, you can easily cleanse negative energies and live a peaceful life at home or in any other personal space.

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